We 💜 our donors, supporters, and sharers! 🐾Trina🐾, thank you so much for your generous donation to help us increase the number of #dogswhoareloved! We can’t do this without you! ...

When you’re ready to adopt… Please take the time to meet the scared ones… the shy ones… the ones that don’t stick out to you… the ones with boring colors… or missing limbs… the older ones, the frail ones… They ...

We ❤️ Carolla’s Beeswax Skin Creme @carollasbeeswax! Anne was so generous to donate to our upcoming Silent Auction, and we LOVE her skin care products! From all of us at LovesDogs.org , thank you for helping us increase the number ...

At Loves Dogs, we believe that every dog deserves to be celebrated! Whether you’re commemorating your pup’s adoption day or their actual birthday, throwing a dog-friendly party is a great way to show your furry friend how much they mean ...

We ❤️ Full Moon Stone Co.! Besides being BIG dog lovers, they constantly network and donate to save the lives of dogs across the country who are at risk of euthanasia. Ashley and Full Moon Stone Company are always so ...

We our donors, supporters, and sharers! Suzanne, thank you so much for your generous donation to help us increase the number of Dogs Who Are Loved! We can’t do this without you! ...

DOGS are living proof that GOOD still exists in our world. 🐾 Join our Facebook Prayer Group here. ...

We 💜 our donors, supporters, and sharers! 🐾Mary Carol🐾, thank you so much for your generous donation to help us increase the number of Dogs Who Are Loved! We can’t do this without you! ...

Let’s be honest, 🐾 BarkBox is a crowd FAVORITE! They are obsessed with making pups and their parents happy, and we couldn’t be more delighted that they’ve donated an awesome item for our upcoming Silent Auction and Jordan’s Way Fundraiser! ...

We ❤️ companies that innovate when it comes to the safety of dogs! Tractive is one of those innovators, and we are so thankful for their generosity! They have donated an amazing item for our upcoming Silent Auction and Jordan’s ...