This bill, introduced by Representative Ensler, aims to regulate how dogs are tethered and confined outdoors in Alabama. It establishes legal requirements for tethering and outdoor confinement, sets minimum care standards, and includes exemptions and penalties for violations. A link to the full bill can be found here.

Key Provisions:
- Tethering & Confinement Rules:
- Dogs cannot be left tethered to a stationary object (e.g., trees, doghouses, poles) unless under approved methods.
- Acceptable confinement options:
- Secure enclosure with adequate space based on the dog’s size and breed.
- Fully fenced or electronically fenced yard where the dog can run freely.
- Trolley system with:
- A dog-friendly tether that’s no more than 1/8th of the dog’s weight.
- A minimum 10-ft long cable run, secured 4-7 feet above ground.
- Swivels at both ends to prevent tangling.
- A properly fitted collar or harness (no choke or pinch collars).
- Exemptions:
- Veterinary practices, shelters, boarding kennels.
- Dog shows, hunting, and training events.
- Temporary tethering at campsites or in emergencies (for up to three hours).
- Professional grooming facilities.
- Outdoor Care Requirements:
- Access to clean water, food, and appropriate shelter at all times.
- Shelter must:
- Protect from weather conditions (e.g., provide shade and bedding).
- Have four walls, a roof, and a solid floor.
- Be ventilated and clean.
- Be large enough for the dog to stand, turn, and stretch.
- Penalties:
- Violations of this act will result in a Class B misdemeanor.
- Effective Date:
- The bill is set to become law on October 1, 2025.
Bottom Line:
This bill strengthens animal welfare laws in Alabama by ensuring humane tethering and outdoor confinement practices for dogs. It includes reasonable exemptions for professional and temporary situations while imposing penalties for neglect or improper tethering.
How You Can Help
👉 Did you know dogs are living on chains without access to food, water, or shelter all over Alabama? 🤯 Many other states have a law preventing this. ‼️ It’s time for Alabama to follow suit. Alabama’s legislative session starts Feb. 4th, and Rep. Phillip Ensler has drafted a bill called the Alabama Dog Tethering and Outdoor Shelter Act to be introduced in this session.
1) TAKE 5 MINUTES AND EMAIL YOUR SENATOR AND HOUSE REPRESENTATIVE. We’ve made it super easy for you. See below.
2) PLEASE SHARE THIS POST. Spread the word. Alabama can and must do better!
How To Find Your State Senators and House Reps:
👉 Go to: and enter your address. When you enter your address on the map and hit “Enter,” all of your representatives will appear along the right-hand side in blue. Your State Senator and House Rep will be near the bottom. Jot down their names.
👉 To get contact info for your State Senator, go to:, Select “Senate Members” from the tabs near the top of the page. Enter the first or last name of your State Senator in the “Search” button on the right. His or her contact information will pop up, including an email address.
👉 To get contact info for your State House Rep, go to:, Select “House Members” from the tabs near the top of the page. Enter the first or last name of your State House Rep in the “Search” button on the right. His or her contact information will pop up, including an email address.
👉 FORM EMAIL you can send to your Senators and House Reps:
Subject: Please Support the Alabama Dog Tethering and Outdoor Shelter Act
Sample Email Text:
Dear Senator (Last Name), OR Dear Representative (Last Name),
As your constituent, I write to ask that you support the Alabama Dog Tethering and Outdoor Shelter Act, a bill expected to be introduced by Representative Phillip Ensler in the upcoming legislative session, which would require certain methods be used to tether or confine a dog and requires certain care be provided to dogs kept outside, such as ensuring adequate food and shelter.
In the 2024 U.S. State Animal Protection Law Rankings released by the Animal Legal Defense Fund, Alabama ranked 49th in the country in animal protection laws. The proposed law will help improve animal welfare statewide by encouraging more responsible pet ownership.
I ask that you support this bill and use your influence to encourage others to support this bill. Please respond to me directly and let me know how you plan to vote on this bill in the upcoming legislative session. Thank you for your time and consideration.
(Email Address)
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